Educating young people about love and friendship through the classics

Educating young people about love and friendship through the classics

Professors: Alessandro D'Avenia, Armando Fumagalli, Antonio Malo, Andrea Monda, Natalia Sanmartín Fenollera, Travis Curtright

The classics never fade because they always capture what is human about human life.


The course has two objectives:

  1. Cultivating the taste for great stories because they are able to profoundly influence the perception that young people have of love and friendship, and on another level shape the formation of one’s character.
  2. Promote an educational culture aimed at getting critical sense and the development of thought.

To whom it is addressed

Teachers, educators, professionals working in the field of education and communication, and parents who feel committed to achieving the best possible education for their children. It is also broadly addressed to lovers of literature, cinema, and TV.


The course does not require any particular prerequisites.


The course costs 120 euro.

For the months of June and July the course is in special promotion to 60 euro.

Join the course